Five simple ways to create a more sustainable space — part two


Five simple ways to create a more sustainable space — part two

Posted on Tuesday, January 18, 2022

When you make subtle changes to improve the sustainability of your home, not only are you curbing costs and creating a healthier environment for yourself, your family, and your pets, you’re also making a significant contribution to improving the future of our planet.

Last month, we introduced part one of our advice series, suggesting simple strategies to implement in your home to create a more environmentally friendly space. So, let’s delve straight into part two…

Re-evaluate your insulation

Insulation or lack-there-of makes a significant impact on the efficiency of your home. Comprehensive sealing and insulation will ensure a lower rate of air-change with the outside as they easier to heat and cool, meaning there is less reliance on heating and cooling systems. From foam board to therma cork, professionals can give you expert advice on the best solutions to suit the exact requirements of your property.

Smarter furniture purchasing

You’ve heard of fast fashion, but has the phrase ‘fast furniture’ ever crossed your mind? The reality is, mass-produced furniture has an equally insidious effect on the environment – not least because of the rising deforestation crisis and contributions to carbon emissions in production.

Making more sustainable choices means buying products that are built to last – from credible, conscious suppliers – to break the constant cycle of throwing away and buying new. It’s also a good idea to turn towards local, independent businesses for your furniture staples, as this can reduce transportation waste as well as unnecessary packaging – plus, there’s often more transparency in local supply chains.

Consider your washing habits

Unless you’re dealing with stubborn stains, using the hot water setting on your washing machine is often fruitless. Skip the heat and use a cold water wash to not only reduce your carbon dioxide emissions, but to avoid the deterioration of quality and colour in your clothes.

And it’s not just washing that can make a difference – it’s drying too. Using dryer balls and regularly cleaning your filter ensures dryer clothes and lower emissions as airflow is increased. Better still, if the weather allows, swap the tumble dryer for a garden washing line – you can always give the process a head-start by starting and finishing with a few minutes in the machine.

Invest in a compost bin

Your mission to create a greener space doesn’t just need to take place inside your home – there are plenty of changes you can make outside to improve your carbon footprint, too.

One of the simplest, yet most effective, choices is to introduce a compost bin to your garden. Not only do they reduce the volume of household waste in homes and prevent refuse from being sent to unaerated landfill sites, they also create a nutrient-rich additive for your plants.

Reuse and recycle

Finally, look at giving outdated elements a new lease of life instead of replacing them altogether – for example, by reupholstering your favourite seat for a fresh look and feel. Pre-loved pieces often have more character and meaning.

As well as recycling the obvious – glass bottles, carboard boxes, and so on – consider how to discard unwanted items and declutter properly. Charity shops accept a whole range of items – from clothing and books, to entire pieces of furniture – preventing the harmful release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and supporting deserved causes at the same time.

We hope these simple tips have provided a useful insight into how you can create a more sustainable space at home, and how you can manage your impact on the planet.

Do you have some tips of your own that you’d like to share? Get in touch with us on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. We’d love to hear your thoughts!

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