Five interior design trends of the past that are making a comeback


Five interior design trends of the past that are making a comeback

Posted on Wednesday, April 14, 2021

In the world of interiors, it can often be said ‘what goes around, comes around’! As more and more designers experiment with popular elements of the past few decades, we’re seeing a return of fond favourites from the 20s right through to the 90s.

And, although there are some styles we’d like to stay firmly in the history books — artex walls and shag carpets, to name a couple — here are our top picks for design trends that we’re pleased have seen a revival in recent years.

1. Welcome back, wicker

This versatile material has certainly seen its fair share of rebirths over the years, most recently used in the more minimalist, bohemian decors.

A popular material for chairs, lamps, and bookcases, it’s perfect for adding a ‘beachy’ flair to your home, with a gentle nod to interiors of the past. For a more contemporary feel, why not experiment with a darker, contrasting shade on your statement piece. 

2. Furry furniture

This bold trend might feel a little too edgy, but once combined with the more subtle, Scandinavian shapes we’ve become accustomed to, you might find the perfect balance is struck.  

Calming shades of cream, white, and brown introduce a welcoming, cosy feel — but if you have small children or pets, be warned, this high maintenance material may not be the one for you!

3. Bring back brass

In recent times, our usual subtle fixings of chrome and nickel have been replaced in favour of the bolder, warmer brass options which became popular in the mid-90s.

While this material can be a little overpowering in large doses, faucets and handles in a warm gold can add the touch of grandeur that you’ve been missing in your home.

4. Wood panelling

Originally gracing homes throughout the 1960s, wood panelling can come in a variety of styles from traditional shaker to bold grid, and rustic cladding, injecting some character into tired walls while protecting them from wear and tear, all without breaking the bank.

Many homeowners even adopted a ‘do it yourself’ approach over the past year of lockdowns!

5. More macramé

This fun textile dating back to the 1970s is made up of a series of hand-tied knots — typically in neutral colour palettes of beiges and creams and featuring in plant holders and wall hangings.

We hope we’ve provided some inspiration for your next home project. We’d love to see pictures of your progress, don’t forget to tag us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Good luck!

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