How to prepare your property for sale


How to prepare your property for sale

Posted on Friday, June 9, 2023

Marketing is one of the most important aspects in paving your property’s route to sale. But once your estate agent has secured a variety of interest, you will play an equally crucial role in converting prospective buyers into people you’ll be handing your house keys over to. 

You’ll need to commit to more than a spring clean to truly highlight your home’s potential too — particularly in today’s hyper-competitive market. To truly captivate people during viewings, it’s all about maximising curb appeal and perfecting the finishing touches.

Amy Wray, founder and managing director of Applegate Properties, recently shared some top tips with Yorkshire Times. Here's the write-up, in case you missed it...

Boost your property’s curb appeal

On average, your viewers will decide if they are interested or not within the first 30 seconds — which usually equates to the walk up the driveaway and introductions at the door. 

A well-maintained exterior can be a big selling point, so consider tidying up any outdoor spaces and adding some attractive landscaping features, and ensure paintwork and window facings are all up to standard. A clear hallway and lovely smelling candle on entry can make all the difference too.

Declutter your space

Research by property platform Boomin reveals that 73% of UK homeowners admit to living in houses that have been considerably taken over by our clutter. With 51% of respondents finding this a deterrent during the viewing process, it’s safe to say that less is definitely more.

To maximise the chance of a successful sale, you should be meticulous in removing any unnecessary items — from excess furniture and sentimental belongings, to unopened seasonal bargains and trash masquerading as clutter. 

Pay attention to details

As well as enhancing the viewing experience and portraying your space in the best possible light, the level of cleanliness will indicate the condition the home might be left in once purchased.

But making a viewer’s time memorable is about so much more than antibacterial wipes and a spritz of air freshener. Whether it’s setting the atmosphere with an aromatic candle or opening blinds and curtains to maximise natural light — make everything count.

Prioritise quick-fix repairs 

Poor maintenance is one of the top reasons why UK home buyers are put off a purchase, because they don’t want to have to undertake the repairs themselves. Fixing quick-win issues — such as squeaky hinges and paintwork touch ups — will increase the likelihood of someone falling in love with your home.

Windows and doors are a significant expense, and if your viewer sees one double glazed panel blown (misted up), they will often presume that the rest are substandard, and reduce their offer by tens of thousands as a result. Replacing one or two panels where necessary will be far more cost effective than compromising on your sale price.

Remove larger pets during viewings

When it comes to property viewings, it's important to create a welcoming and inviting atmosphere for potential buyers or tenants. Having pets present during a viewing can not only make people feel uneasy, it can also distract them from the task at hand. 

Furthermore, animals often have their own distinct odour, which can be especially strong for those who are not owners themselves — and a candle is unlikely to mask it. That’s why it's advisable to remove them from the property during viewings where possible, to create the best possible impression of your home. 

Plan the viewing in advance

If you choose to lead the house viewing instead of your estate agent, it’s always a good idea to plan out the route beforehand, so you can be sure nothing is missed, and you’re armed with all the must-know information to really showcase the best bits — consider the reason you purchased the property in the first place, for example, as this may offer major leverage once again, and include this as a point of discussion during the viewing. It’s always a good idea, if you’re comfortable, to offer guests time to look around independently afterwards too.

Building genuine rapport, rather than trying the ‘hard sell’, is key too. Overloading prospective buyers with information and appearing to read from a sales script risks eroding people’s trust.

Preparing your property for viewing can seem daunting at first, but a little effort and planning can go a long way — significantly speeding up the process of your sale and supporting your onward purchase or other future plans.

Looking to put your property up for sale? Get in touch, to speak to one of our specialist estate agents in Holmfirth.

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